Dr. Ginger Nash addresses how declining estrogen levels during menopause affect serotonin production and receptor sensitivity. She notes that estrogen levels drop by 30% during childbearing years and 70% at menopause, influencing serotonin synthesis and metabolism via an enzyme called MAO. This can result in mood alterations and increased pain sensitivity. Dr. Nash recommends natural agents such as herbs and nutrients to enhance estrogen levels or sensitize serotonin receptors, akin to SSRIs. She stresses consulting a doctor or naturopath for these treatments and hints at upcoming discussions on the role of histamine in mood during menopause.
Consult your doctor or naturopathic doctor about natural agents that can influence serotonin levels and receptor sensitivity. Look into natural herbs and nutrients that can aid in maintaining proper estrogen balance.
Stay tuned for part three, which will delve into the connection between mood and histamine levels.