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The Doctor Kinney Show:

Did you notice an irregular change in your hormones in 2020? Did you skip periods, get more periods, experience mood swings or experience any other unusual symptoms?

2020 was a strange year for a lot of reasons, but I bet you haven’t thought about how it might have affected your hormones.

In today’s episode, I am joined by my good friend, Dr. Ginger Nash, who is an expert in hormonal therapy and lymphatic drainage. We are talking all about how our bodies make hormones, how they break down hormones, and what that looks like whether you’re a woman cycling, going through menopause, or trying to get pregnant. We even talk a little bit about male hormones.

If you’ve noticed some changes in your body and want some answers, you’re not going to want to miss listening in on this conversation.

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Show notes available at

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